Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Rwandan Genocide Talk

Here is the info on Paul Rusesabagina's Speech ar the Virginia Holocaust Museum this week.

Those who wish to attend and complete an assignment for credit please see me.

This it the information on tickets. Call 804-257-5400 to reserve your tickets.

Ticket info--
Front row: $50
Front half of the room: $35
Back half of the room: $20
Standing room in the balcony: $5

For more info see the VHM website.

BFC Companion Reading

Ok... take a look at some of what people have said regarding "Bowling for Columbine" (BFC).

Here are some of the critics sites:
BOWLING FOR TRUTH - Archive of Michael Moore lies
Bowling for Columbine
Spinsanity - Viewer beware: In "Bowling for Columbine," Michael Moore once again puts distortions and contradictions before the truth

Spinsanity - Countering rhetoric with reason

Moore Responds:
Michael Moore.com : Michael Moore responds to the wacko attackos...: "How to Deal with the Lies and the Lying Liars When They Lie about 'Bowling for Columbine'"

Here's Moore's "Wonderful World Montage"...
Bowling for Columbine : Library : What a Wonderful World

Here's a critical analysis of the montage from Bowling for Truth:

'Wonderful World' MontageMoore slams past American policy; blames U.S. for murder throughout history